How a few cooking lessons can make adulting easier
The independence of college life comes with responsibility and life lessons that prepare students for the real world. It’s also a time when students either sink or swim when it comes to healthy food choices. One study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, investigated custom cooking classes for college students and whether they could improve the health value of what they ate.
Thirty-eight students at South Dakota State University participated in the series of cooking classes that had a special focus on beginner cooks, no frills pantry staples and simple cooking equipment. After three sessions, pre and post tests found that participants felt they had more nutrition knowledge, kitchen confidence and ability to put together a complete meal with basic ingredients! Over 80% of participants believed that they were even eating healthier because of the classes.
During a time when students are challenged with first time “adulting”, instilling confidence in kitchen skills can help them feel good about their daily routine and open up healthier options outside of campus dining and fast food.
Did you know?
- Sweet potatoes are versatile and can be cooked in the microwave! Just poke with a fork to allow steam to escape and microwave until soft!
- Eggs are the perfect protein for breakfast, lunch or dinner! This staple can be boiled ahead or scrambled in the microwave to make quick meals in minutes.
- Bananas are a go to snack but can also be added to smoothies and classic banana bread is the perfect college send off to keep your coed feeling the warm fuzzies from home. J
- Personal blenders are among the top college appliances! Add an index card with our Banana and Blue Breakfast smoothie written on it for a textbook way to start the day.
- While pasta is easy, ditch the boiling water and spiralize veggies instead. All you need is a bowl, a microwave and your favorite sauce to enjoy broccoli, sweet potato, zucchini even carrot noodles!